DMK Stone Products Ltd has been serving Western Canada and the US Northwest for over 19 years. Since starting our business in 1998, we hold strong to our goal in building a warehouse for the stone industry. Thanks to the ongoing support from our loyal customers, business has increased steadily over the years.
Today, DMK Stone holds over 300,000 square feet of natural stone and quartz slabs in our inventory with over 200 colours and types imported from Brazil, India, Greece, China, Ukraine and other parts of the world.
DMK help to achieve businesses successful in local Vancouver many years. DMK Stone now is the exclusive BC wholesaler for ACE Quartz, Adam Quartz, and Rocton Stone (Sintered Stone) to meet your needs. Quartz and Sintered Stone have become more popular than natural stones , as it is well known for its consistent characteristics, low maintenance and innovative designs.
With our experience in importing and sourcing stone slabs, DMK Stone can help you with your requirements for large commercial and multi-unit residential projects. Contact us today and let us know how we can help!